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Aerated Static Pile
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The Aerated Static Pile (ASP) system is a very commonly employed method for composting a wide range of organics, such as green and food wastes, dairy and other farm manure, and biosolids. While the basic windrow composting method attempts to deliver oxygen to the microorganisms by frequent turnings— which then is depleted in as little as 30 minutes after turning, the ASP system employs forced-aeration to deliver the required air on a controlled basis, thereby maximizing the throughput, while minimizing odor risk in the process by avoiding anaerobic conditions that may be experienced in oxygen-starved compost piles.


In traditional ASP systems, the aeration is done by loosely laid perforated on-grade piping connected to a portable blower system. Inherent operational challenges involve frequent replacement of damaged piping, clogged pipes, increased labour and equipment time for working with, and around the piping system. Leachate-collection with this method is not practical.  On-grade piping systems are generally limited to 70 to 90-foot ASP pile lengths.


ASP with AirFloor® can be designed for longer—120 to 160-foot—pile lengths. Pile width can vary from 8’ to 26’, with a single or multiple AirFloor® plenums embedded in the compost floor. The pile width is generally determined by the method or equipment used for the turning, such as a windrow turner or front-end loader.  An ASP with AirFloor® permits the collection of leachates, minimizes odor risk resulting from standing water, and vastly minimizes system operation and maintenance costs.

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